Pruning and planting
Spring us definitely here on the TopFruit allotment now. A rather inconspicuous bush has turned out to be a blueberry now it’s starting to grow again.
March is a great month for planting small bushes and shrubs so several gooseberry bushes have been liberated from their cramped positions underneath the trees and planted out where there is more space. There are still some under the Victoria plum tree which we will leave for this season as they are already nearly in flower – and we’ll see how well they do once the trees are in full leaf above. Two small, donated redcurrant bushes have also been planted in the same open area near the track. Our recent appeal for surplus rhubarb crowns only resulted in one response but that has been added to the rhubarb already there and hopefully we will get more in time. Two small donated 2 year old jostaberry cuttings have been planted – they will take a year or two to become productive. Some small cherry saplings – maybe self seeded some years ago – have been removed as they were too near other intentional plantings. Lots of work still to do…
Tim Shaw
Retired IT manager and organic gardener especially interested in fruit growing, no-dig cultivation and permaculture. Allotment holder for 35 years.